
Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Welcome Little One

Our little bundle of joy has arrived safe and sound. And it's a girl! Young Georgia Grace Fantastic. ;) We are overjoyed and have fully embraced the newborn baby bubble we've found ourselves in over the last few weeks. She's a wriggle-muffin, a feisty little lady, full of energy and determination. But she's also calm and contented and happy to chill out and observe. She's wide eyed and on the ball, nothing gets past this one! She loves her grub and tucks in greedily.

The birth was an eye opening experience. Primal and mostly tackled at home. I found my pain threshold, which is something I've always been interested in! Ha!

The TENS machine was my best friend for a good 24 hours after which I ditched it like last night's takeaway and took the last 12 hours on the chin like a woman. Unfortunatley after 36 hours of going it alone, with no intervention or drugs, we were whisked into theatre for a spinal and forceps. Nah!

But who cares, when they plopped the screaming tiny being on my chest, I couldn't have cared less how she arrived. Just that she was here, with us, healthy lungs and all, and ready for some wonderful adventures with us.

I final feel like one of the mum club. Although a slightly fraudulent memeber - like my pram just has a teddy that I'm pushing around the park. Until she squeals and squawks from the depths of her pram and reminds me that I have real responsibilities. To make sure she's fed, watered and washed, every 2 hours. Like clockwork. Like a never ending wash cycle.

Aha, yes that club. 

She's been with us a month now and already she's changed so much. No longer all arms and legs and bird-like, she's developing chubby cheeks and is already more robust and making her presence we'll known!

I've taken almost 500 photos of her, we might need a new hard drive solely for her portraits!! And even still I'm paranoid about failing to document one particular facial expression that she's surely about to grow out of and we'll never see again! I may calm down eventually. But, in the mean time, I think I need to invest in more memory cards.

So welcome to our world little Georgia Grace, you adorable tiny human being. You make it a more joyful and sunny place to be. You fill up our lives and make us a family, we'll never be the same again and for which we will be eternally grateful. All our love, always. 

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