
Wednesday, 8 June 2016

A Venetian Dream

Venice was A-MAZing!! We had an absolutely dreamy few days wandering the streets, and wandering and wandering... In fact, we racked up almost 20 thousand steps each and every day, phew! That's a serious work out for the pins right there. But all the better for guilt free gelati consumption afterwards! ;)

I have to confess - we didn't do MUCH culture. We popped our heads into a couple of churches and the ospidale, but rather than trawl around museums for hours we simply soaked up the atmosphere in the streets and canals - they felt steeped in history like he museums pretty much anyway! We sauntered from bacaro to bacaro, nibbling on cichetti, aperol spritz, snapping away, posing on bridges....all the usual! ;)

One cultural thing we DID do was visit the Peggy Guggenheim museum, which was fascinating! Her collection of art is incredible, really varied and fantastic. We had a few favourites each, but what I almost loved more than the artwork itself was the photos of her living amongst them. She had art all over her house, it was just how she lived, which I found incredible. She even had one of the pieces now in the gallery as her headboard above her bed!

We didn't even take a ride in a gondola :o I KNOW!! what sort of tourists do we call ourselves?! But I wasn't really up for that sort of cringeworthy ride at an extortionate price. I'd rather save those pennies for more pizza and gelati! (Anyone else noticing a theme here..?!) 

However we did get ourselves a day pass for the vaporetti on our last day and spent a lush afternoon zipping up and down the Grande Canale. And yes, we may have gone up and down it at least a few times!

On the last run (and when Mr Fantastic thought we were all done) a sudden crack appeared in the clouds and the sun streamed through creating the most gorgeous evening 'magic hour' light. So I promptly dragged him back on the next water bus and started snapping away like mad! The glorious light only lasted a mere 10mins or so, but I swear I nearly filled up our memory card in that time! ;) 

Other than this flurry of excitement we mostly wandered and explored in a bit of a dreamy haze. The almost constant drizzle (I thought only good old Blighty did drizzle so well!) couldn't dampen our spirits and each day we armed ourselves with boots and brollies and braved whatever the Agean sea's weather system threw at us! 

The warm muted colours of Italy are my absolute favourite and went so beautifully with the turquoise of the canals. It's almost like someone planned it! It was magical to discover yet another beautiful vignette around each corner, even though we did find ourselves as a fair few (incredibly quaint) dead ends!!

Last but not least...

Yes, the gelati!! *swoon* It was all absolutely delicious! I think I pretty much had one a day and if it was getting close to the end of the day and I still hadn't got my daily fix, I'd start to get nervous!! That's normal right?! ;) 

A few more final shots of the sunshine on the canals, but I'll leave it there for now, this post is already getting sooo long!! Suffice to say, I fell in love with Venice all over again on this trip and I can't wait to go back again already!!! 

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