
Sunday, 13 December 2015

Creative habit update

I have been loving my new creative typography habit! It's has been ever so slightly thrown off track by building work in our house - all my craft gear had to be burried away under dust sheets for a couple of weeks while we had a wall pulled down! But, thankfully that's all done and dusted now, so my pens and paper are back out and in constant use...

A little confession - this new habit had not literally translated into writing EVERY single day. I have to be honest - I have occasionally been a little sneaky and front-loaded a batch at a time - e.g. when we're sat on the sofa watching a winter tv marathon! But, do you know what, that is A-OK in my book! Also, I've not necessarily been sharing the results daily on insta (@knickerelasticfantastic). Maybe I should have set out with slightly less lofty ambitions - like an every-now-and-then creative habit!! Haha. But you've got to aim for the stars, right?! 

So far, these are my three most notable observations about the process so far:

1. Experimentation 

After a few days of using he same font or the same medium things start to get mundane so experimentation become natural and super exciting! I quickly moved on from my trusty sharpie on to watercolours. And I am currently experimenting with a brand new set of brush pens ('fanks Izzy!), which is a whole new skill set it seems! These aren't quite ready to see the light of day yet just yet, but hopefully you'll get to see some soon!! 

2. Sharing

Now I have committed to sharing, either here or on Insta, I continue to feel an obligation to do the same. It may be completely in my mind, but that's works just fine too!! And while it's not daily, it's frequently enough that I can already see small improvements since day one and hopefully I'll continue to progress further... 

3. Collecting

I already have amassed a large bundle of quotes all written out on plain A4 paper, it's amazing how quickly you build up a collection when you're doing one or two a day. So I've now started planning what I'm going to do with them when I get to the end of this process (seems very distant right now mind!!). Ideas people have already suggested include binding them into a booklet or I may even frame one or two of my absolute favourites once I'm done! 

4. Inspiration

This one was a little unexpected, I have to admit. But since I've started this project I have actually spent more time with my paints and pens out doing other little sketches and practices than I previously had done all year long. So it really has had a snowball effect on all my creative habits! Something I couldn't be more excited about and am super determined to keep up. Woop!

5. Fun!

Last but not least, this is so much fun!! Doing something daily totally takes the pressure off. I'm not precious about these in the slightest. I see them as little exercises and practices. They've not taken me months and months (unlike this!). I'm not terrified of making a tiny small error and ruining all that hard work. I know I don't have to share absolutely every single one I do. And if today's is terrible, then there's always TOMORROW! And for that reason I can really let loose and enjoy! :)

Has anyone else started a new creative habit recently? If so, I'd be super interested to know how it's going! 

Plus, what with new year being just round the corner (waaaaaaat??!) it's the perfect time to start thinking about any new habits you want to start building into your daily life from 1st Jan!! New year's resolutions here we come! Anyone tempted?

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