
Saturday, 5 January 2013

DIY tools: New year, new tools!

So what better start to a new year thank to have some fun new diy tools to play with (or is that just me?!). I was super lucky to receive some to add to the (growing) collection and thought you might like a sneaky peak! Okay, you got me, I am just too excited to keep them to myself! It also means that I can no longer shirk my diy duties with lame excuses of not having the right equipment - you know I have them now! (Not sure if this will work, but a girl's gotta try right?!)

Check out these plier beauties, *swoon*! There is more - a grand total of six - in all shapes and sizes and they come in a handy little folding case. It's a little black case, so there's another diy project waiting to happen! ;)

I have also been beavering away over the holidays trying to learn a few new things while I have time. Below is my very first animation!! Woop! Okay, don't get too excited, it's super simple, but I am just so  proud it had to go up here! These are my brand new, super sharp fabric scissors. Every discerning diy-er needs a pair dont you think? Well thank you bf! So keep an eye out as I am going to have to put my new tools and animating skills to good use in the new year...

1 comment:

  1. haha I love the gif!! That's something you can teach me to do instead.. Wouldn't it be better if you used a tripod tho no?
